티스토리 뷰


Volume 15, No.2, April 2012 - Springer

Sumin Lim 2012. 7. 2. 20:20

Information Retrieval


Opinion-based entity ranking - Kavita Ganesan , ChengXiang Zhai

On complexity reduction of concept lattices: trhee counterexamples - Michal Krupka


Utilizing lcoal evidence for blog feed search - Yeha Lee, Seung-hoon Na, Jong-Hyeok Lee



Intent-based diversification of web search results: metrics and algorithms- Olivier Chapelle, Shihao Ji, ms, yahoo

- #nowplaying Madonna: a large-scale evaluation on estimating similarities between music artists and between movies from microblogs

- Improving search via personalized query expansion using social media- Dong Zhou - dublin

- Credibility-inspired ranking for blog post retrieval - Wouter Keerkamp, Maarten de Rijke

- Recommending Flickr groups with social topic model- Jingdong Wang,

A deniable and efficient question and answer service over ad hoc social networks - Simon Fleming, Dan Chalmers, Ian Wakeman

Finding  similar questions in collaborative question answering archives : toward bootstrapping-based equivalent pattern learning

Conversation retrieval for microbloggings sites - Matteo Magnani, Danilo Montesi, Luca Rossi

Sentiment detection with auxiliary data - Dan Zhang, Luo Si, Vernon J.Rego

Gateway finder in large graphs: problem definitions and fast solutions


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